Healthy treats presented in the form of a peacock

These healthy peacock shaped snacks, were shared out at my daughter’s school in grade three. I thought it was a fun presentation and would like to share this idea with you. The presentation really appealed to the children in my daughter’s class. Thank you for this great idea on how to present party snacks!

Find more treats on our treats category page.

What to do to make this healthy peacock shaped snacks:

  • You need skewers, a large plate or tray and fruit or vegetables.
  • Fruit – you can use grapes, strawberries, banana, pineapple or kiwi.
  • Vegetables – you can use tomatoes, carrots and cucumber.
  • You can also make a savoury version, using pieces of cheese and sausage.
  • Cut a pear in half to make the peacock’s body. Use raisins for the eyes and a sausage for the legs.
  • Stick the pieces of fruit, vegetables or cheese and sausage onto the skewers and stick the skewers into the pear, which forms the body of the peacock. The skewers are the tail feathers.
  • Baby pancakes with strawberries and grapes are a delicious alternative to put onto the skewers.

Healthy peacock shaped snacks

Have you made this healthy peacock presentation or a variation of it?  Please do share your experience with us on our Dutch Craft work Facebook page.

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