Making a crocus from the cardboard centre of a toilet roll

To create these pretty crocus craftwork idea we use the cardboard centre of a toilet roll which is cut into sections. Suitable for toddlers and infants. This craftwork idea will provide an hour of creative fun together with friends or family. Click for more spring craftwork ideas.

How to make this pretty crocus craftwork idea:

  • Start to collect the cardboard centres of WC rolls. In general, in our experience, this is not a problem and you will soon have enough.
  • Cut a roll into four sections, creating four individual circular pieces.
  • Paint three pieces in yellow or another bright colour. See that you paint both the inside and the outside.
  • Paint the remaining piece in green, once again both inside and outside.
  • While the four pieces are drying get the children to create a pretty background or maybe you already have a suitable sheet of paper with a pretty motif.
  • Cut out a circulare shape from a piece of blue cardboard, you will be going to glue your crocus flower onto this. First glue the blue circle onto the background paper.
  • Now flatten out the green piece of the toilet roll. Avoid making sharp corners, try to get a nice slightly rounded shape.
  • Glue this flattened green piece horizontally at the bottom of the blue circle.
  • Completely flatten out the three remaining yellow pieces on one side and make a sharp pointed ends. Use glue or a stapler to fix the three pieces together..
  • These yellow pieces form the crocus flower and you glue them vertically above the green horizontal strip

TIP: Make several flowers to create a whole field of crocuses. We can feel that spring is in the air, how about you?


crocus craftwork idea crocus craftwork idea

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